METAPHYSICS - An Introduction to Wayne's World

14 January 2003

Namaste!  It is difficult to decide where to begin.  I got involved in metaphysics with the philosophy of Plato, Pirzig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a book on Transcendental Meditation and the Art of Being by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and the Seth Books by Jane Roberts all during the my 16th year.  That was 30 years ago ... and it has been a love affair ever since.  This study has commanded my attention and much of my free time since then.  10 years ago, I experienced a breakpoint, a major shift in awareness and started generating metaphysical information rather than only consume it.  Since 1 January 2002, I have been expressing nearly daily for two to three hours per day.  What can I say?  I am compelled to express, and I choose to allow the stream of consciousness to come forth in whatever manner it will.

What is metaphysics?  To me it is the study of the nature of consciousness, the nature of being, the nature of reality, the nature of spirit, and how all of these manifest in our lives.  These are very big things.  However, they are things that each of us experience each day ... even though most people don't really think about them.  We typically leave such topics to our philosophers to contemplate.  But that is not necessary or even desireable.  These things have real meaning in our day to day lives.  Understanding them can help us lead better lives and find our place in the larger scheme of things.

The one thing that most characterizes consciousness is awareness.  What are we aware of ourselves to be?  There is an observer part to our consciousness that watches everything that we do.  It doesn't necessarily judge.  It simply observes.  Since my shift in awareness in 1993, I have been aware of this observer part of myself during most of my waking hours.  Even as I type this, I am aware of watching my fingers on the keyboard at the same time I'm observing the screen at the same time I'm observing the frame of my glasses and the things that are both within and outside of that frame.  I'm also aware of the working of my mind as it accepts and formulates these words.  The source is somewhere deep inside me.  It is an intuitive source that is somehow connected to spirit or the one consciousness.  I believe that everyone is connected to and part of this same one consciousness.

Know Thyself!  This is one of the key directives I've followed for over 2/3rds of my 45 years.  I believe I've been successful in this pursuit.  However, much of the success comes from being open to new things and being willing to try them and judge them based on their utility.  I've used a variety of techniques in this pursuit ... astrology, aura readings, enneagrams, IQ tests, numerology, psychic readings, tarot to name a few.  Of these, most were helpful in confirming things that I already knew about myself.  But the confirmation was helpful in its own right.  Numerology and the tarot have been most useful in revealing spiritual meaning in the ordinary symbol systems of the world.  Astrology has been useful in revealing the timing for major spiritual events.

You can explore more by going to the Beyond Imagination site.  There you'll find all that you could care to know about me and more.  Though, feel free to ask any questions that you might have.  There are literally thousands of pages of material at the site.  The Introduction page offers some guidance on where to start.  You can reach me at

[More detailed Introduction.]

