Once Upon A Mattress: Song Parody
Songmeister: Mike "The" Wyzard

Many Moons Ago

Many moons ago in a far off place,
Lived a musical bunch who worked for Aerospace
With way too much free time.
O they built their planes and they had big brains,
But alas, it seemed they missed the pain
That only a show could provide.

For a musical is a difficult thing,
Troublesome and complex like programming.
You can recognize a good one by the laughter in the air
But a really great production is extremely rare

They brainstormed lots at Chez Gus
And it brought forth only disagreement much;
They could not choose a show.
They knew that after Fiddler on the Roof
They needed a show with which they could goof
And wouldn't cost too much dough.

"It will go as thus," Chuck did preach,
"We'll do Once Upon a Mattress in Hermosa Beach
And later in August we'll do Hello Dolly.
If that doesn't make you happy, then we just won't have parties!"

Now the cast was set and they began to rehearse,
Mark found an orchestra who loved free work
(Though I hear one or two got paid).
The horse was added as a finishing touch,
The lights went dim and the audience hushed,
The orchestra began to play,
And the crowds laughed and shouted "Hooray!"

For a musical is a difficult thing,
Troublesome and complex like programming.
You can recognize a good one by the laughter in the air
But a really great production.....IS EXTRE-EM-LY RARE!!!

Copyright © 1998, The Aerospace Employee Association Musical Comedy Club
Send comments or questions to: aeamcc@geocities.com
Last Revision: 8 June 98