Party Gavotte

Every geek and freak and nerd is here:
Everyone who should be drunk is here.
What a smashing, positively dashing
Spectacle... The closing night party.

At the bar are all the glasses
Waiting for the host to fill them up.
What a dripping, absolutely ripping
Moment at the closing night party.

Glasses clinking!
People drinking!
Beer mugs held up!
I have never been so f'd up!

Any second now
They'll begin to pour.
Hark! A bottle's chilling,
Watch that spilling,
Look! I have one more!

(break for the sound of a beer being drank...)

What a chugging moment that was!
Didn't I maintain a refreshing pace?
'Twas a thrilling, absolutely chilling
Happening, the closing night party.

(Long break for loud, late night to early morning cast party...)

There they are again
Looking for the door.
Now they're almost falling,
Hear them calling,
For a taxi.
Look! I have one more!