April 2016 Meeting Minutes

Audio of the Meeting:

Slides of the meeting

AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting 4/28/16

Members in attendance:

  • KK6KC Kirk Crawford
  • AG6OD Teresa Moore
  • KJ6QBI Ching Kong
  • KK6WYW Bob Lanahan
  • KK6PSA Phil Martzen

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Repeater Status: WB6VMV repeater is fixed, just needs to be connected to the controller, which will happen 4/29/16. We will keep the net on W6HA for Monday and then switch back to WB6VMV on Tuesday May 3.

Field Day: the El Segundo gate is now closed on weekends, so VC1 is not an available location for Field Day. We can use VC2 and/or the parking structure. In the parking structure, we can use pipe clamps or big nylon straps to attach antennas to the wall. At VC2, the trailer would be parked to the north of the building. If only a few people plan to come to Field Day, we will not set up at two locations. The final location(s) will be determined at the next meeting.

Everyone that is bringing personal gear to Field Day should get it ready. Be sure to bring a self-contained system (except for power, which we will provide from the generator.)

Teresa will run the Kenwood HF rig and Kirk will be in charge of the KX3. We may want to set up a 40-m beam.

On May 11 at 11:30 we will meet at the trailer to do an inventory of the five rigs that will be used on Field Day. Then we will make a list of things to purchase before Field Day.

A2 shack: Bob Lanahan was designated at the new custodian for this shack and tasked with inventorying what is there and determining if we need to purchase anything.

Budget: We have $8K in the bank.

Ideas for spending money included:

  • Create an A6 shack
  • Upgrade D8 shack
  • Waterfall display dongles (3) with upconverter
  • Heil headphone sets (5)
  • New microphone for Kenwood
  • Portable tower w/ 20 meter beam so we can hit COS/Chantilly after a big earthquake