Category Archives: Shack

January 2021 Meeting

January Meeting Title
Meeting Invitation Slide
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Recording of the meeting:


At 11:45 AM on 27 Sep we had our meeting of the AEA Amateur Radio Club. We met in building A3, conference room 1607B. We had Skype up via the laptop, we shared our presentation charts, audio was fair, with drop-outs. We did not have an audio recording of the meeting.

Our topics included:

    1. Chantilly Ham Shack briefing – Tom
    2. Slides: Octoberfest, Upcoming events, club banner – Kirk
    3. Additional topics:
      • RF shack assessment, why does all our radio equipment have new stickers?
      • Safety & Facility Office is working to give us permission to install replacement HF antenna on the A2 building roof

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    4. Future meeting topics are as follows:
      • Oct – Bob – Directional Antenna Fox Hunt
      • Nov – Ryan – Satellite Contact
      • Dec – Club Holiday Party on 13 Dec at the Proud Bird
      • Jan – Bob – VHF Winlink Demo

Slides for September Meeting

Attendees were:

  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  • Ryan Noguchi (Skype)
  • Jeff Light (Skype)
  • Michael Stanitis (Skype)

73, Bob Lanahan

July 2018 Club Meeting

At 11:30 AM on 26 July, 2018 we had our meeting for the AEA Amateur Radio club. We met in the Atlas III room in building A1 room 1026.  We had Skype up, to share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting.

Our topics included:
1) Final field day report (Kirk)
2) Tom’s radio support to Boy Scouts Summit-to-Summit Mirror signaling event
3) Kirk’s vacation FT8 setup
4) Shack status (A2, A3)
5) Proposal for a new shack in A10
6) Annoucement of Holiday Party at the Proud Bird on 13 Dec

Slides for July Meeting

Audio Recording of the meeting:

Attendees were:

    • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
    • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
    • Teresa Moore AG6OD
    • Michael Gorlick KF6YYV
    • Philip Martzen KK6PSA
    • Bob Oberto
    • Bob Lanahan
    • Ching Kong (Skype)
    • Ryan Noguchi (Skype)
    • David Fong (Skype)
    • Victor Lin (Skype)
    • Joel Gussy (Skype)

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Bob Lanahan

July 27, 2017 AEA Amateur Radio Club Meeting

AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting was held at 11:30 am on 7/27/17.  

Ten people were in attendance, two of whom joined at this meeting:

  • Teresa Moore AG6OD
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Victor Lin KK6RZO
  • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  • NEW MEMBER Susan McCormack K6SUZ
  • NEW MEMBER Wayne Wheeler  W6AHH
  • Joe Barger N6KK

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 The meeting started with a report on this year’s Field Day and a discussion of what we should remember for next year.  Then we discussed the budget, including plans for upgrading the A2 shack HF radio and antenna.  Finally, HamCon is coming to Torrance this fall, September 15-17.  Besides interesting talks, there will be an opportunity for an added cost to tour the radio room on the battleship Iowa.  More information on all of these topics is available in the powerpoint presentation, which can be found on the club web site.

The meeting ended with a raffle.  All members including the new members received a free raffle ticket.  Victor won a Pixie transceiver, Don got the heat shrink tubing, Kirk got a helping hands tool, and Susan got the tape measure.

Wayne volunteered to do a presentation on his project to rebuild a 1928 HF radio.  He is on the calendar for the October meeting.

Teresa Moore

July 2017 Meeting Slides

A3 Antenna Report

On Tuesday August 30, 11:30 AM, Kirk Crawford (KK6KC), Thomas Essenpreis (KB9ENS), and Bob Lanahan (KK6YWY) investigated the antenna situation for the A3 Shack.  We disconnected All the antenna cables in the room and then Bob and I (KK6KC) went to the roof while Tom stayed in the shack to test.  We found that the HF Antenna is broken.  It had been obviously cut off.  This most likely happened when the roof was recoated.  The other antennas all seem to be present.  They are all monoband-verticals. See the picture below for a diagram:

A3 Roof Antennas
A3 Roof Antennas

We used a shorted SO239 connector to figure out which antenna is which and analyzed the antennas that we could.

The Antenna Cables that go to the shack are:

  1.  #38 70cm (440MHz)
  2. ATV
  3. #45 23cm (1.2 GHz)
  4. #43 2m (144 MHz) SWR=1.25 @ 144 MHz
  5. #39 1.25m (220 MHz) SWR  = 1.04 @ 219 MHz
  6. #41 HF (Antenna is broken)
  7. 23cm (1.2 GHz)
  8. #42 2m (144 MHz) SWR = 1.04 @ 145 Mhz

We connected antenna 8 to the 2m radio used for the morning nets, and the other 2m to the packet setup.

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We need a new HF antenna on A3 to replace the missing one. I recommend a multi-band vertical type due to the limited space on the penthouse.   Your recommendations are welcome.

The club should also invest in a multi frequency antenna tester that can cover all the antennas we have. The AA-1400 Antenna Analyzer by RigExpert was recommended by Tom. It is capable of measuring from .1-1400 MHz and costs about $1079 (on Amazon).


Kirk Crawford


Some Pictures of the HF Antenna Mounting point:

HF Mount Viewed from below
HF Mount Viewed from below

HF Antenna Mount
HF Antenna Mount


May 26, 2016 Meeting Notes

Audio of the meeting:

Members in attendance:

  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Teresa Moore AG6OD
  • Joe Barger N6KK

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We had some discussion about the upcoming Field Day. We considered what we could do for a 20 or 40 meter wire beam antenna on top of the parking structure and how we would keep the driven element and the reflector parallel to each other. However, given that we expect very few people to be available to do Field Day with the club, we decided to just stick with the antennas we already have: the CrankIR and Buddipole for HF and the verticals attached to the fiberglass masts for UHF/VHF. We will probably run a 20 m station and either 40 or 15, depending on conditions that day.

On the Wednesday before Field Day, we will put up signs advising people to not park in the travel parking on the 4th floor and the North-East section of the 3rd floor. Cones and tape will be put out Thursday afternoon to block off parking spaces, and tables and chairs will be delivered to the 3rd floor Friday afternoon. All equipment will be moved Saturday morning. Kirk will bring 5 gallons of gas for the generator. We won’t invite any external visitors (like city council, press, etc.)

For general emergency use, we discussed having a 30 m APRS system that can send an email out in case of emergency. Ryan will spec out a system and report back. We will also want to be able to communicate with COS/Chantilly on voice, which can be set up over email via APRS.

Kirk brought up the point that during the A6 evacuation a couple months back, the security radios caused a lot of interference on our standard go-to 2 meter simplex frequency (147.51 MHz). He suggested trying a 440 simplex frequency. We would have to test to see how far we can get with 440 simplex. If there is someone with access to a real antenna, we might be able to relay messages.

It was recommended that we purchase the Yamaha CM500 headsets for the rigs in the trailer and for Field Day use.

Kirk reported that he had asked about putting an A6 shack in an electrical room on the second floor of A6. Maintenance people got upset about us using the electrical rooms in general. We will be cleaning to be sure that we are not blocking any electrical panels in any of our shacks in electrical rooms, especially in A2. Kirk is waiting for approval on the A6 shack but will put together a preliminary list including costs for budgeting purposes.

Joe wants to buy a good Software Defined Radio for the D8 shack.

Budgets are due in July so we should allocate/spend money now.

April 2016 Meeting Minutes

Audio of the Meeting:

Slides of the meeting

AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting 4/28/16

Members in attendance:

  • KK6KC Kirk Crawford
  • AG6OD Teresa Moore
  • KJ6QBI Ching Kong
  • KK6WYW Bob Lanahan
  • KK6PSA Phil Martzen

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Repeater Status: WB6VMV repeater is fixed, just needs to be connected to the controller, which will happen 4/29/16. We will keep the net on W6HA for Monday and then switch back to WB6VMV on Tuesday May 3.

Field Day: the El Segundo gate is now closed on weekends, so VC1 is not an available location for Field Day. We can use VC2 and/or the parking structure. In the parking structure, we can use pipe clamps or big nylon straps to attach antennas to the wall. At VC2, the trailer would be parked to the north of the building. If only a few people plan to come to Field Day, we will not set up at two locations. The final location(s) will be determined at the next meeting.

Everyone that is bringing personal gear to Field Day should get it ready. Be sure to bring a self-contained system (except for power, which we will provide from the generator.)

Teresa will run the Kenwood HF rig and Kirk will be in charge of the KX3. We may want to set up a 40-m beam.

On May 11 at 11:30 we will meet at the trailer to do an inventory of the five rigs that will be used on Field Day. Then we will make a list of things to purchase before Field Day.

A2 shack: Bob Lanahan was designated at the new custodian for this shack and tasked with inventorying what is there and determining if we need to purchase anything.

Budget: We have $8K in the bank.

Ideas for spending money included:

  • Create an A6 shack
  • Upgrade D8 shack
  • Waterfall display dongles (3) with upconverter
  • Heil headphone sets (5)
  • New microphone for Kenwood
  • Portable tower w/ 20 meter beam so we can hit COS/Chantilly after a big earthquake


HF Radio Test

Last week, we had an HF Radio test of the newly refurbished HF Radio in the Emergency Communications Trailer.  We used the whip antenna that is attached to the trailer.  We were not able to get the whip straight up and down and it was inside the fabric tent.  We were able to hear stations as far away as Texas on 20 meters, but we were not able to make contact with anyone.

We are planning another Test of the HF rig on Wednesday the 22nd of April at 11:30 AM.  If you want to help out please join us at the trailer. (West of A6.)  We will test it with the buddipole and Crack IR antennas to see if they help out.

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March 2015 Ham Radio Club Meeting

Ham Radio Club Meeting 3-26-15, held in A3/2226

MP3 File of the meeting:

Kirk did a slideshow presentation covering various topics, including the new D1 shack, the trailer, and planning for Field Day.

D1 shack:  the D1 shack is now operational, located in D1/640.  It’s on a bench in Teresa’s lab, so see her for access.  The antenna does not have as much range as the one on D8 as Kirk (who checks in on his way to work) cannot check in from as far away as he used to be able to.  We can try raising it a bit to see if that helps.
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Trailer progress:  The HF radio is now back after being sent out for repairs.  The plan is to check it out using the HF whip on the trailer.  The security and maintenance radio will be installed in the trailer soon.  We do need to spend some time in the trailer before Field Day so we can space the radios out as they are too close together for comfortable operation of both at once.  A redeployed monitor has been put in the trailer for the packet system.

Field Day planning:  Field Day is June 27-28 this year.  We will be in parking lot of V1 again this year as that worked out well last year.  We need to start thinking about what equipment we want to use.  It would be good to have a portable tower and antenna for each band being worked (2m, 220, 440, HF, packet).  People bringing personal radios should bring lots of coax.  Single sideband would be better than FM for VHF bands if we can find the equipment.  We need to find out what equipment we have available (Teresa will ask Joe about the HF antenna we bought last year) and start gathering and testing it.  One thing we need to be sure to bring is a portable SWR meter.  ACTION ITEM:  make sure we get wheels put on the generator.

Portable repeater project:  Don will look into a radio that has cross-band capability for the trailer.

Safety and Security day:  we need to keep this on our radar as we want to have a club presence this year.  We’re not sure of the date yet.

Ordering New Components of D1 Shack

The club is now ordering new components to make up a D1 Shack.  Here is what we are getting:

  • Kenwood TMV71A

    Kenwood TV71A
    Kenwood TV71A


  • Astron RS 20M Power Supply 
  • Comet GP-6 Antenna 

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This should be installed soon and then Teresa in D1 can help conduct the morning net.