Tag Archives: meeting

Oct 2018 Monthly Club Meeting

We held our October Monthly AEA Amateur Radio Club meeting on  8 November, at 11:30 am.  We met in building A3, conference room 1607-B (Dining Room B).  Mr Ryan Noguchi briefed us on how to work amateur radio satellites.  We had Skype up via the laptop, to  share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting. Links to the charts and audio is below.

2018-10 Slides

Operating the Amateur Radio Satellites

Our topics included:

  1. Kirk’s club status chart
  2. Ryan’s Satellite briefing
  3. Additional topics:
    • New antenna for A3 shack
    • Safety training to install the new antenna
    • RF pager, high output power on A3 roof during antenna install

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  4. Future Meeting topics:
    • Nov 28 – Bob – Directional Antenna Fox Hunt
    • Dec – Club Holiday Party on 13 Dec at the Proud Bird
    • Jan – Bob – VHF Winlink Demo or Repeater Briefing
  5. Attendees were:
    • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
    • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
    • Ryan Noguchi
    • Ching Kong KJ6QBI
    • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
    • Ray Russell
    • Shayne Keller KM6RB
    • Margot Wasz KM6JWY
    • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
    • Jeffrey Light KE0ESU via Skype
    • Victor Lin KK6RZO  via Skype


At 11:45 AM on 27 Sep we had our meeting of the AEA Amateur Radio Club. We met in building A3, conference room 1607B. We had Skype up via the laptop, we shared our presentation charts, audio was fair, with drop-outs. We did not have an audio recording of the meeting.

Our topics included:

    1. Chantilly Ham Shack briefing – Tom
    2. Slides: Octoberfest, Upcoming events, club banner – Kirk
    3. Additional topics:
      • RF shack assessment, why does all our radio equipment have new stickers?
      • Safety & Facility Office is working to give us permission to install replacement HF antenna on the A2 building roof

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    4. Future meeting topics are as follows:
      • Oct – Bob – Directional Antenna Fox Hunt
      • Nov – Ryan – Satellite Contact
      • Dec – Club Holiday Party on 13 Dec at the Proud Bird
      • Jan – Bob – VHF Winlink Demo

Slides for September Meeting

Attendees were:

  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  • Ryan Noguchi (Skype)
  • Jeff Light (Skype)
  • Michael Stanitis (Skype)

73, Bob Lanahan

Aug 2018 Club Meeting

At 11:30 AM on 30 Aug, 2018 we had our meeting of the AEA Amateur Radio Club. We met in building A3, conferene room 2009F. We had Skype up, to share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting.

Our topics included:
1) Kirk’s Vacation Mobile APRS setup
2) AEA October Festival
3) Holiday Party reminder, Proud Bird on 13 Dec
4) We also discussed that Clark would run the morning net-calls, as Ching has an 8 am conflict.
5) Tom will talk about the Chantilly Shack next month

2018-08 Slides

Audio Recording of the meeting:
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Attendees were:
– Kirk Crawford KK6KC
– Ching Kong KJ6QBI
– Wayne Wheller K6AHH
– Bob Lanahan KK6WYW

Bob Lanahan

July 2018 Club Meeting

At 11:30 AM on 26 July, 2018 we had our meeting for the AEA Amateur Radio club. We met in the Atlas III room in building A1 room 1026.  We had Skype up, to share our presentation charts and audio. We also made an audio recording of the meeting.

Our topics included:
1) Final field day report (Kirk)
2) Tom’s radio support to Boy Scouts Summit-to-Summit Mirror signaling event
3) Kirk’s vacation FT8 setup
4) Shack status (A2, A3)
5) Proposal for a new shack in A10
6) Annoucement of Holiday Party at the Proud Bird on 13 Dec

Slides for July Meeting

Audio Recording of the meeting:

Attendees were:

    • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
    • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
    • Teresa Moore AG6OD
    • Michael Gorlick KF6YYV
    • Philip Martzen KK6PSA
    • Bob Oberto
    • Bob Lanahan
    • Ching Kong (Skype)
    • Ryan Noguchi (Skype)
    • David Fong (Skype)
    • Victor Lin (Skype)
    • Joel Gussy (Skype)

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Bob Lanahan

June 2018 Meeting – Field Day Report


At 11:30 AM on June 28, 2018 we had our meeting for the AEA Amateur Radio club.  We met in A3 room 1607B (Dining room B).

Attendees were:

  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Yvette Smith KM6FXE
  • Teresa Moore AG6OLD
  • Andrew Lin KM6TWS
  • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW
  • Judy Kerner KK6GCB (via Skype)
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO(via Skype)
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBI
  • Hila Wright
  • Michael Gorlick KF6YYV

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I must apologize to Judy and Ryan on Skype for starting the meeting late and no audio.  Next time I will try to get there earlier and resolve the issues before the meeting.

Here is the audio recording of the meeting:

and here are the slides:

Slides for June Meeting


Kirk Crawford KK6KC

May 2018 Meeting Minutes

Audio of the Meeting:

Slides from the meeting:



  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Hila Wright
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Andrew Lin

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We discussed Field Day issues.  Tom and Don are unfortunately not going to be able to make field day.  Andrew volunteered to help out.  I hope we get other volunteers for field day as well.

-Kirk Crawford


April 2018 Meeting Minutes

Audio of the meeting:

2018-04 Slides


  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Christopher Silva A2/2089 K chris.p.silva@aero.org
  • Don Hall KK6DCX
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Steve Schmidt KM6QMT
  • Bob Lanahan KK6WYW

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Sorry, No notes from the meeting.

Mar 2018 Mtg Minutes

Aerospace Radio Club meeting, 29 Mar 2018
A3, Room 1607B, 11:30-12:30

Attendance: Kirk Crawford, Ching Kong, Steve Schmidt, William Cox, Yvette Smith, Margot Wasz, Bob Lanahan
Skype: Michael Stanitis, Robert Cell, Victor Lin

Unfortunately, no audio was recorded of the meeting

I. Kirk (radio club president) made a presentation.
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Notes taken to supplement Kirk’s Presentation.
1. New club members have on-line training available to them.
2. Michael and Victor are interested in the radio’s that Kirk is giving away. Both are welcome to pick up the radios from Kirk’s office when they wish.
3. Field day is Sat, 11am 23 Jun to Sunday, 11am 24 Jun. We will start setup at 8am.
4. Kirk plans to attend field day this year, he is taking position requests.
5. Bob is interested in Message Handling, see the charts for the list of positions.
6. The next club meeting is 26 April.

Space Weather and HF Propagation – February 2018 Meeting


  • Tom Essenpreis KB9ENS
  • Archie Buchanan KD6OLH
  • Tracie Hall KM6PTN
  • Don Hall
  • Andrew Wimmer KD0FTK
  • Luke Golladay KM6LGS
  • Steve Schmidt
  • Michael Gorlick KF6YYV
  • Judy Kerner KK6GCB
  • Kirk Crawford KK6KC
  • Boyd Carter
  • Ryan Noguchi AI6DO
  • Wayne Wheeler W6AHH
  • Jeanne McGraw
  • Ching Kong KJ6QBI

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We had a wonderful presentation by Dr Tamitha Skov on Space Weather and HF Propagation

Here is a PDF of her slides
We did try the Skype audio on this meeting and it worked well.

Unfortunately the audio recording did not happen.  Sorry.

Jan 2018 Mtg Minutes

Aerospace Radio club meeting, 25 Jan 2018
Room 1607B, 11:30-12:30

Attendance: Kirk Crawford, Teresa Moore, Joe Barger,
Tom Essenpreis, Don Hall, Steve Schmidt and Bob Lanahan

8 mins of meeting audio is available <click here>

I. Kirk (radio club president) made a presentation.
Here are Kirk’s charts 2018-01 Meeting Slides

Notes taken to supplement Kirk’s presentation.
1. New club members have on-line training available to them.
2. $5K is the club budget this year
3. Joe installed remote desktop in Radio Shack in D8, more on this            topic later.
4. Goal to have A2 antenna purchased this year.
5. Kirk asked if we need any purchases for field day. Discussed
6. Kirk charts include ARRL Grid chase, good for FT8, he’s near
the top 1,000 chasers

II. Tom presented his briefing on Magnetic Loop Antenna
Here are the charts  Mag Loop – 26 Jan 2018

This company is a reputed source of information for finding amerikabulteni.com cheap levitra the best Canadian pharmacy. Online pharmacies are the best on line viagra resources working flawlessly in dealing with penile troubles. A few common order cialis no prescription side-effects of kamagra involve headache, upset stomach, muscle pain, diarrhea, blurry vision and an erection that can last longer than 4 hours. If you want it levitra low price to act fast, avoid having it with a fatty meal. Notes taken to supplement Tom’s presentation.
1. Went thru his charts and excel spread-sheet
2. Tom’s briefing was very interactive, there were a lot of
questions, and overall it was a great presentation.
3. His capacitor is rated between 11-93 picofarads
4. His antenna tunes between 13 – 19 Mhz

III. Joe (radio club treasurer) presented his remote desktop set-up.
1. His surface was connected to the D8 shack computer, running
FT8, connected to the K3 radio.
2. He is using DxLab and remote desktop VPN.
3. Joe wants to get an internet controlled power strip, cost ranges
between $200 and $500.

Meeting photos
1. Tom and Don with Magnetic Loop Antenna

2. Joe and Kirk – remote connection

3. Joe’s remote connection running FT8